A few days ago I received these super lovely note cards from 23madisonstudio.
Check out their online store on Etsy.
We teamed up and I’m happy to present you guys a little giveaway. This giveaway is a little thank you for your daily support.
The lovely people of 23madisonstudio have provided 2 wonderful hand-painted illustrations for you, my lovely readers.
There will be 2 winners chosen among all entries to win 1 of these gorgeous prints each.
How to enter :
* follow THE18THDISTRICT on Facebook , Bloglovin‘ or Instagram
* leave a comment below or on Instagram stating why and which of the illustrations you want to win. Don’t forget to add your email address or any other way for me to contact you ;)
* the giveaway is open worldwide
* no double entries, please
* the 2 winners will be chosen randomly on the 6th of March
!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

* leave a comment below or on Instagram stating why and which of the illustrations you want to win. Don’t forget to add your email address or any other way for me to contact you ;)
* the giveaway is open worldwide
* no double entries, please
* the 2 winners will be chosen randomly on the 6th of March
!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
Thanks for reading!
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Hey! Like both paintings but I’d love to get the first one cause I just moved into my first own apartment and I don’t have any paintings in here so far :(
as i have just moved into a new flat and as i am a total nailpolish-addict, i am sure the second illustration would look gorgeous on one of my still white walls! :)
love it!
all the best,
I love the perfume ones
Following on facebook Dosta Radnjanska
I love both ilustration!!!
Victoria Cobo
Hi ich hätte gerne das erste Bild :-)
Würde perfekt über meinen Schreibtisch passen und meine Kreativität anregen!!!
Liebe Grüße!
chulisimo todo, me lo compraria todo
besos guapa
eine schöne Idee für ein Giveaway!
Ich finde ja beide Bilder toll,aber das erste passt besser zu mir..
Nun drück ich mir ganz fest die Daumen!!
echt tolle Bilder, mir gefällt die Zeichnung mit den Parfümfläschchen besser, würde gut in mein Bad passen – da fehlt ein bisschen Farbe. Manche Fläschchen würden sich doppelt finden :-)
vielen Dank für deine Mühe und mach weiter so!
LG, Marlene